Relaxation, acceptance and wholeness.

When we are not separate from the whole, we can relax and enjoy just “being”. The words ‘heal’ and ‘holy’ both come from the whole. Relaxation is a medicine: Once we learn its quality and let go of expectations about life, we take responsibility for the illusions that we are carrying. 
There is nothing to do within, but rest in the fullness of who we are right now.  Making space for stillness and acceptance slows us down within and takes us home.  Then, each moment we are at ease within – not trying to improve, cultivate or practise anything.
When we are being grounded and silent enough within, we come in contact with our innermost being.  Pure energy is then ready to give us what we need, to accomplish something and to take us to our very highest potential.  By letting ourselves be softer, receptive and listening to our own hearts we reach real joy and harmony.   It is also a time when deeply buried wounds may come to the surface, ready and available to be healed. Being vulnerable, we open to the loving touch of existence. 

Let your body be full of light, care and love, dissolving struggle and suffering.   When we are under a healing influence we are no longer hiding from ourselves.  In the attitude of openness and acceptance we heal ourselves to be healthy and whole.  

Reiki/Oneness Healing

Oneness is a phenomenon of energy, which transforms the neurobiological structure of the brain to a new vibrational level and evolves your DNA.  A person starts accepting perceived reality as it is, without making it better or worse. As a result, all inner suffering on the mental, emotional or physical level become less disturbing and more relaxed. 
Oneness initiates alert awareness, connectedness with everything and awakens us to a new realisation of existence.
It is a physical process, restructuring different parts of the brain and consciously allowing the unconscious childhood conditioning to come into awareness. Oneness session applied through hands on the head.  Reiki is applied through the hands on (sometimes off) the body (head, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, back, hips, legs, arms, feet).

Please contact Irena for more info about an appointment.